Sianna Amistad Koch

about me

animal communication

crossing the rainbow

other services



What is Animal Communication?

Animal communication is the ability to communicate information between the person and animals through telepathy. Is the sending and receiving information from one mind to another without speaking, and without body language.

All animals interpret and communicate in very different forms. For example the Felidae animal family like the cat, have a grat information system through their eyes, ears and whiskas. Each spezies have a different way to communicate - through their sense of smell, feelings, colors and objects.

We all have the ability to talk to our pets. To do that, we just need to open our six sense and believing in the perception of invisible things, feelings, impulses and situations. I feel what they feel, I smell what they smell, sometimes I even taste and hear. I then try to interpret it in a language in which the person will understand.

How can I help ...

Animals hear and understand

I communicate with your beloved pet through telepathy. I receive thoughts, feelings and physical perceptions. In order to establish this contact, there is no need to sit facing your pet with direct eye contact. The telepathic connection and communication are independent of this. I only need a picture and the name of your pet to contact him or her.

The photo should be as current as possible, preferably in a situation in which your darling pet is relaxed.

All you have to do is send me an e-mail, WhatsApp or call me directly with the questions you would like an answer to. I can then forward the answers to you as desired by telephone, in writing or by Skype:

Examples of interpretations
in different situations:

A customer of mine had three dogs. One of the dogs was sick at the time and the human had a few questions for him.
When I tried to communicate with the dog, the second of the three dogs came and kept saying: "I would like gravy in my food like the others because it smells so delicious". I tried to explain to him that I am here to speak to his older friend.
After the session, I talked to the pet owner about what the older dog said about his pain. But I also explained what the other dog said about the "gravy".
A few days later the pet owner called me to say: Perhaps by "gravy" the other dog meant canned food that his canine friends were given, but he can't have any because it was too high in calories for him. I asked the human how can we solve this, to make sure that his other beloved pet does get some of this delicious canned dog food so called "Gravy".
The owner suggested talking to his dog and communicating with him, that if he starts to go on walks with us, (it seemed he did not like long walks) he can also have canned dog food.
I communicated with the dog that wanted to have "gravy" by saying that if he starts to exercise more he will get some canned dog food. Few weeks later, the owner called me with feedback, saying that since he started getting canned dog food, his character has changed a lot in a positive way and that he has been enjoying the dog walks he desperately needed.

A customer with an older dog complained that his dog never slept in his dog bed. When I asked the dog why he didn't like sleeping on his bed, he said because the bed stank.
When I explained to the pet owner what the animal had communicated, the owner said that the dog always eats a raw bone on his bed. The bed always smelled of raw meat afterwards.
He's been getting his bone outside ever since. The bed has been freshly washed. And the dog sleeps on his bed again.

» Ich danke Sianna sehr dafür, dass sie die Suche nach unserem lieben verängstigten Boomer nie aufgegeben hat. Immer wenn neue Meldungen kamen, dass ein Hund wie Boomer gesichtet wurde, ist sie mit mir zu den Sichtungsstellen gefahren und hat versucht, mit Boomer Kontakt aufzunehmen. Sianna hat oft mit Boomer kommuniziert und Tipps gegeben, an welchen Orten wir ihn suchen können. Doch leider war er sehr verängstigt und hat sich nicht so blicken lassen, dass wir die Möglichkeit hatten, ihn zu uns zurückzuholen. Vor nicht allzu langer Zeit musste mir Sianna die traurige Nachricht mitteilen, dass Boomer nicht mehr lebt. Aber er hat ihr übermittelt, dass nun alles gut für ihn ist. Sianna hat sich mit großem Engagement und mit viel Liebe um Boomer gekümmert und sie war mir eine freundschaftliche und zuverlässige Unterstützung. «


» I am truly amazed by the special gift that Sianna has in terms of communicating with animals. I have done a number of communication sessions with Sianna for my little dog Kiyoshi. It was my first experience with dog whisperer and to be honest I was not sure what to expect. However, already after the first session, I was absolutely amazed by how emotional and intense this experience could be. She communicated to me examples from our daily life with Kiyoshi which confirmed that she does have a special connection with animals. The sessions with Sianna allowed me to not only understand better my dog and his needs but also helped me solve a number of behavioral issues. Her Reiki sessions have also been extremely beneficial for both me and my dog. On a personal level, Sianna is an extraordinary person with kind and bright energy. I 100% recommend her to anyone who wishes to improve relationship with their pet or simply to understand them better. «


» Seit vielen Jahren bereits begleitet mich Sianna mit meinen Tieren in schwierigen Situationen. Dieses Mal hatte mein Pferd einen Unfall. Er ist in eine Schlucht geraten und kam alleine nicht mehr raus. Wir mussten die Bergrettung und den Hubschrauber rufen. Mein Pferd konnte Gott sein Dank über unwegsames Gelände rausgeführt werden. Aber danach hatte ich so unglaublich große Angst und ich wusste nicht, ob ich mein Pferd auf der Alm lassen soll oder in den Stall holen soll. Sianna hat schon am Tag des Unglücks und auch noch weitere Tage mit meinem Pferd gesprochen. Er liebt es dort und er will dort nicht weg. Das hat mich sehr beruhigt. Sie sagte ihm auch noch, dass ich immer für ihn da bin und er mehr auf sich aufpassen soll. Ich vertraue Sianna komplett und weiß, dass alles exakt stimmt, was sie sagt. Bei meinen Kaninchen hat es exakt gestimmt. Sie erzählt Sachen, die nur ich und meine Tiere wissen können! Ich bin sehr glücklich, sie zu haben. «


Where I was allowed to help ...

Cognac Doc Ruby Charlie
Cherry Kira & Lady Beppo Pipillo
Ringo Sally Woopy Tio Tito
Lillie Boomer Luci Kiyoshi
Kim Elvis Molli Flocky
Emma Coco Nanook Cheenuk
Puqueo Hatti Esteban Bell
Sianna Amistad Koch
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